Saturday, March 15, 2025


dan was carrying a arm load of bags to the house when the door opened and ellen stood aside while he stacked them on the table. "theres more, il be right back." he said as he went out the door. ellen startd putting things away on the shelves in the kitchen. dan made two more trips to the house with bags, then he went out and shut the door. dan had drug a garden hose over to the corral where his horses were. he was filling a tub when he felt a precense behind him.he turned to find ellen standing there in the dark. " when your done ill have supper ready for you. lizzy and i have eaten."she turned on her heel and walked back to the house. dan stood there and watched her walking away. he was hungry but didnt expect ellen to be his cook as well as aunt lizzys. a half hour later he was seated at the table and a good meal was in front of him. he looked up at ellen who stood there with her arms crossed. " thank you. i didnt expect this. i hope i brought enough stuff. or even the right stuff. i knew you were probably getting low . if you need something different ill go get it or give you the cash to go get it. "dan stuffed a potato slice in his mouth. " let me think on it , ill let you know tomorrow." ellen answered in a monotone. dan nodded and kept eating. he didnt realize just how hungry he was. after a few bites he looked up and ellen was still standing there watching him. "sit down wont you? standing behind me like that bothers me." he pointed to a chair. " its been a while since i watched a man eat that appreciates my cooking. i didnt mean anything ." ellen pulled out a chair and set down." your aunt is doing well. she goes to bed a little early but is sleeping wqell. are you staying long?" ellen looked down at her folded hands. " i dont know how long ill stay. i want to ride out the ranch while ime here and see how the cattle are doing. i do appreciate your careing for lizzy." dan answered between bites. " theres been a few cows watering down below the house in the canyon. i see them from time to time. they have big calves with them.some times i walk that way while lizzy naps."ellen explained. " if theres enough calves ready to market i wont go back to roping jackasses. thats not so good a deal other than the pay." he didnt look up from his plate. but was finishing what was there. ellen got up and went to the cabinet by the stove. she took down a apple pie and brought it to the table. she sliced what was left in half and served it over to dan then sat back down. as dan forked a bite into his mouthhe spok around it" i brought a case of canned peaches you can make a cobbler out of. but this is good." he hefted another fork full. ellem smiled a shy smile" thank you, ill try to make you a cobbler will be good if you stay. cooking for lizzy and myself can get boreing.what time you want breakfast? lizzy is usually up before day light. ill have the coffee ready then."ellen askd " that will be good for me. i need to shoe a horse before i go out tomorrow so if its a little later it wont matter."dan was finishing up the pie. " go to bed, ill clean this up and set the coffee it will be ready when you want it." ellen took his empty plate and went to the kitchen sink. dan sat there a moment then got up and picked up his hat" thanks ill see you in the morning."

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